Announcement Post: I Just Got Published

A few months ago, a friend reached out to me, asking if I wanted to submit a piece for her online magazine, Fellowship & Fairydust. I wasn’t sure at the time if I wanted to and thought it over for a while. After talking over it with my sister, I finally decided, yes, I would write something. But what, I had no clue. I wasn’t going to write a poem, because I knew I lacked talent in that department, and I wasn’t going to write a thesis or book review. So that left short story.

The theme of the magazine was Disney. I couldn’t think of anything to write. I’m not one inclined to write fan fiction, as it feels, to me, a bit like plagiarism. After several weeks of thinking it over, I was still at a loss. Until I remembered the film my sister, mom, and I went to see on my birthday; Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.

coverDark Fey are mentioned in the film, and apparently Maleficent is one of them. And that rose the question among us; What happened to the Dark Fey? And why was Maleficent the only one left in the Moores? Suddenly, I had an idea. I would fill in the blanks.

It took me several hours to write that short story, finishing at 985 words. I wasn’t in love with it, but I thought it would do. Surprisingly, it was accepted. And now, you can read it for yourself.

My short story is titled The End of the Fark Fey and you an find it in Fellowship & Fairydust’s December 2019 Disney issue, which you can find on their website here.

I know this might not seem like a huge accomplishment for most, but it feels like winning the Christy Award to me. Seeing my story in a magazine, even an online one, is like seeing my current work in progress published and in my hands. It’s one small step toward my goal of wanting to be an author, and I hope you all enjoy my small victory with me by grabbing a copy of the free magazine for yourself!


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